Czech Republic: Yellowcake for big brother - 2006

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TSCHECHIEN, 07.2006 .Pribram.Altes Telefon des Uranberbergwerks Pribram. Der Uranbergbau in der frueheren Tschechoslowakei begann 1946 auf direkten Befehl der Sowjetunion, die das Material fuer ihre Atomruestung brauchte. Fast 40% der landesweiten Produktion kamen aus Pribram. Hierbei kamen politische Haeftlinge in eigens errichteten Lagern zum Einsatz. Die Arbeit war sehr gefaehrlich, Tausende fielen bis zur Schliessung der Gruben 1991 Unfaellen, Lungenkrebs und Strahlenkrankheiten zum Opfer..© Vaclav Vasku/EST&OST..Old telephone at one of the former uranium mines in Pribram. Uranium mining in former Czechoslovakia started in 1946 with a direct order by the Soviet Union which needed the material for its atomic bombs. Almost 40 % of the over all production was mined in Pribram. Political prisoners were sentenced to special labour camps built around the uranium mines.  Mining was very hazardous, thousands fell victim to accidents, lung cancer and radiation related illnesses until the closedown in 1991.